WHAT. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING. Tomorrow is November. That’s twenty-six days till Thanksgiving. That means a mere sixty-one days until 2016. That means fifty-five days till Christmas. That means it’s time for October’s monthly recap on FTB!
To be honest, I don’t even remember what I do in monthly recaps. I have to look at the past ones to see what I covered. Because by the end of each month, everything is such a blur. I suppose I usually start with the books I read this month, so let’s go with that…… or maybe not since I read all of TWO BOOKS IN OCTOBER.
This is sad. This is so, so sad. Annnnd… one of them was a re-read. I re-read Rachel Coker’s Interrupted: A Life Beyond Words (which is amazing, as it has been the past dozen times I’ve read it since the fifth grade) and The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom (which was even more amazing, and the review will be up on Monday!)
I’m not sure if it’s the dreary weather that puts me in a lazy mood (because Georgia has been cloudy and overcast practically all of October) or school or what. And November is NaNoWriMo – which means writing 50k in 30 days, and I may start hyperventilating at that thought – so I’m not sure how many books I’ll be able to get to next month. Which means December will be nothing but books all month long. (And I’m already counting down till Christmas break, so let’s do it!) I revised my 2015 reading goal to 70 books instead of 50 (I’ve read 58 or 59 since January?) so hopefully I can read a mere 12 books more. I read that many in a month during the summer, and I miss those days!!
Oh – oh – oh – but I am almost done re-reading Pride & Prejudice, which is nice. I never get tired of Miss Jane Austen.

Meanwhile, some highlights on the blog were:
- My first co-post with my best bookish friend Brooke 😉
- I talked about supporting authors which I’ve been wanting to write forever
50 followers may not seem like a lot, but it’s a lot to me and I’M SO HAPPY! Currently thinking of a super cool giveaway to do so be on the lookout… oh and if you wanna reach for 100 sometime soon and tell your friends and everything that’d be cool. (‘Cause I’d have the coolest giveaway on the blogging block when we reach 100, just sayin’.)
And here are some AMAZING things that happened in October for me…
- I FaceTimed with Brooke (who most of you know – my pen pal and the sweetest commenter ever and pretty much my best friend and now I’m making her blush!) and I was SO NERVOUS. Also, I haven’t mentioned this to her (so now you know Brooke) but November will be a year ago when she first commented on my blog…. heeheeeheee. It will be our one year friendaversary, Brooke! 😉
- Meet BEASLEY. My dad finally caved, y’all. We were out for an eye exam and we brought home a dog! He was skin and bones when the shelter got him… almost about to be put to sleep. 🙁 The vet says he’s probably a border collie and dane, and he is positively adorable. (But definitely *not* potty-trained, ugh..) He’s already spoiled rotten and in love with our cat Mittens. (Maisy not so much, but she’s getting there.)
- We drove a U-Haul truck of donations to South Carolina for flood victims. I’m not sure if I’ve talked about it a lot on the blog or not, but my mom posted on Facebook asking for donations to fill our mini van and drive up there. (It’s my mom’s hometown that was flooded.) That turned into our homeschool group and a few churches in our area donating and it was crazy! (Crazy-awesome.) We stayed with some friends who were just outside the flooding and drove to several churches in S.C. who had 400 people coming everyday for food, blankets, clothes… basically everything.
Some of the moms aren’t pictured but as you can see we had some men for the heavy-lifting! 🙂
I would talk about what went on on your blogs but I’m kind of too lazy so I’ll just leave you instead with a flashback to my first-ever-selfie. In case you’re having a bad day.
I clearly rocked the selfies at 5.
YOUR PUPPY IS SO CUTE!!!! *happy squeals* And also your selfie. 😉
OMG I KNOW!! XD I love him so much. Lol, thanks!
My heart is melting. YOUR SELFIE IS SO CUTEEEE. <3
Haha thanks! It’s one of my favorite selfies, for sure. XD
Aww baby Emily a and doggy = FLAILING READER
Brooke told me that you two faced timed! She was just as excited as you are!!
Lol. Glad you liked them! It was a post filled with adorableness isn’t it?? 🙂
YESSS! She said she was shaking. It was a blast though.
Oh my word! Congrats on 50 followers!!! I know what you mean about being nervous to FaceTime someone you’ve met online, I’ve skyped a few people that I’ve met online and I was equally terrified each time XD Then again, I’m not much of a phone person anyway….
Congrats on a puppy too!!!! #jealous
And I only read like 1 book this month….And sadly with NaNoWriMo I don’t know how much I’ll get to read next month…..Sounds like October was an awesome Month for you! 🙂 Great post Emily! <3
Thanks Madi! I’m stoked. I’am at 51 now! 🙂
Yeah. I’ve skyped one girl in Portugal I met on a Taylor Swift fan site, but somehow it was different with Brooke. I don’t really talk to that girl anymore, but I have a ton in common with Brooke. 😉 Yeah me neither. I don’t usually facetime with my friends, but of course with Brooke it’s the only way to talk face-to-face.
Lol. Yeah. Discounting the re-read I read one. I’m kind of cranky about it.
It really was!! Thanks Madison.
Great! Your dog is the cutest. We have to dogs as well from animal shelters and it’s the best way to find a pet! Let us know when you’ll update on Love, Emma 🙂
Thanks, Lu! I agree. Rescue pets are the best. 🙂
Ooh, yes. NEED to do that… thanks for reminding me, haha. I keep forgetting.
I sympathize! I sympathize! I only read three books in September and it was very sad. And being a blogger, I also have to admit my pitiful book-reading skills on my blog…You will be able to read 12 more!! I believe in you!!
(love the selfie!)
-Grace (trueandpure.wordpress.com)
Thank you! Yesss, someone else gets it! Thanks Grace. Same for you too. We can do this!!