OHMIGOSH I seriously can’t believe this has happened! I met THE Kiera Cass today! And I got to ask her a question during her Q&A! So I want to tell you everything that happened, and tell you a few things you might need to know if you’re planning on meeting her (I know one of you might!) So here goes…
We got there two hours early. Yes, two hours. (The time flew by for me, really!) We got the book at Barnes & Noble the day before, but copies of The Heir were available at the library. (Though I can’t say that for sure about every location for the signings. However, buying the books from the library did benefit the library, so either way.) There were only four or five other girls who got there that early, but at first it was just me and my family hanging out at the library for a while. Then a line started to form and I stood there for a minute. The people at the library kept saying the signing would be in one room, and then it was another… so it was a bit hectic.
About 6 o’clock, an hour before the event started, they started setting up chairs and the few girls and I who were there early grabbed some front row seats. (I was in the second row.) Let me tell you, talking to the girls there was half the fun! We all gabbed about The Selection (scenes we loved, the possible movie, and Kiera herself!) and even some other books. We got talking about other things as well, like the fact that most of us were awkward bookworms and how excited we were to see Kiera. For several of the girls I was sitting with, it was our first author signing! I even got one girl’s phone number. 🙂

It started getting busier and busier, and I was SO glad to have gotten there early, because I got a front row seat. Most of us didn’t realize Kiera was going to be doing a Q&A as well, so that was exciting! You can watch a few minutes of the Q&A I videoed below, or here.
She talked for about twenty minutes, and took questions from the crowd. I did get to ask her a question!! There were a lot of people who didn’t get to ask her anything, but being up front definitely helped get her attention. She was talking about the original ending to The Selection, and guess how it originally ended?? MAXON DIED, Clarkson died (not much of a loss there…), but Amberly lived and adopted America? So I asked her if America’s family was any different because Amberly adopted her… I said “Because I loved America’s mom!!” and she agreed. “And her dad, too, I LOVED her dad!” She said that yes, her parents probably wouldn’t have been in the picture, but her siblings would still be around. You can watch the video here, or below. (You can’t hear my question, but you can hear her answer.)
After that, a lady went up and said that they needed to get Kiera to the back where she would be signing books, and for everyone to stay seated and calm… that didn’t happen. It was very chaotic! So here was the handful of girls (myself included) who got there two hours early to be in the front of the line, and Kiera was going all the way to the back of the library and we were still upfront! Thankfully, some of our parents talked to someone and we ended up in the front of the line.

It went really quickly, because there was a lot of people. Kiera didn’t have time to personalize the books, so they had her sign your books while you were next in line. Then you got your turn with her! When it was my turn, I said “Ohmigosh!!” and she said “Hi!” Then it went like this:
Me: I read The Heir already!
Kiera: Really??
Me: YES!
Kiera: Are you okay?
Me: NO!
More video! Watch me freak out and jump and down and hand flail here, or below!
Then I gave her a big side hug and my parents took the pictures!
I was so happy, and my smile was SO big. I had a BLAST!
P.S. The Heir book review will be up Friday! 😀
LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turns out I can’t go to any of her signings 🙁
I was wondering why you didn’t post in the morning, like usual. I usually check my email in the morning, and I didn’t see it. I’m happy I checked right now 🙂
Aww. 🙁 I am pretty lucky!! I still seriously can’t believe it happened.
Haha. I knew you’d wonder about that. Glad I still got a post up on Wednesday!
It was really good! There were some flaws, but I’ll talk all about it on Friday. It did get 5 stars. 🙂
What fun!! I think that meeting and hearing from authors is WAY more exciting than meeting or hearing celebrities like singers and movie stars! 😀
Yes, ma’am! Definitely! 😀
That’s great! I think I would die if I met my favorite author (s)! And you don’t call yourself a fangirl….I saw that little moment you had with the hand flailing! 😉 Haha, and I saw when Kiera Cass asked if your OK, and you kind of calmed yourself. 😀 That would be me exactly! lol.
I DID DIE. Did you see me?? I was such a fangirl-dork. 😀 My mom and my aunt Melanie call them jazz hands. When I’m overly excited, angry, sad, etc.. I do jazz hands!
I am so excited for you!! Glad you got to meet her!
Its still undecided if I can go. This is really helpful though. Now I know what to exect somewhat. Did you have fun? The place where she is signing is four hours away so we would not be able to get there that early if much early at all. Then the event would last at least one and a half hours so by the time we would be getting home it would be around Midnight. I wish she was coming closer. Anywho what was it like? You where so excited 🙂 ! What where the girls like? I’ve watched the bodeos multiple times now :). Can’t wait to see your review to see what we agree om and don’t agree on about the heir. From what we have discussed it seems like we view it similarily.
I hope you can go. I understand if you don’t like the books, though. I wouldn’t go if that were the case, either. Plus since you’re four hours away…
Are you kidding?! I had a blast!
The girls were all really sweet. One girl was wearing the same shirt as me, so that started a conversation, lol. They all liked some of the same books as me (aside from The Selection) and I’m so glad I got to talk to them.
Yeah, I think we do. First thing tomorrow, it’ll be up. Actually, I think it’ll be 11:00 PM your time! 😉
Ohmigosh, that is SO AWESOME!!!! I had to skip some parts of your post, though, since I’m still on The Elite. 😉
Ohmigosh, you’ve still got sooo many good parts. I hope you like the books! 😀
It sounds like you had so much fun at the signing! It’s great that you got to meet some other bookworms and even ask a question during the Q&A. I’ve never been to a book signing before, but I hope that I’m able to go to one someday.
I was so glad I got to ask her a question. Of course, after I left, I came up with an even better. Lol!
I’m also really glad my first author signing was so memorable! My favorite author! 😀