excerpt from my nanowrimo novel

‘Ello, everyone! How’s your November going?

Mine is going GREAT, particularly because I’m so crazy excited about a current story I’m working on for National Novel Writing Month. I’m in love with the characters, I’m in love with the plot… everything about it. I was sitting here writing this scene where one girl is crying because she and one of her best friends are drifting apart, and I’m trying my darned hardest not to pound the keyboard in tears myself.

WHY ARE MY CHARACTERS SO MEAN TO EACH OTHER?! Don’t ask me. They have a mind of their own.

… Meanwhile, my family is cracking each other up while they play board games. (I played a round of Clue with them and WON! That almost NEVER happens! 😀 ) And since I’m roughly 1,000 words ahead of my word count goal for the day, I decided to share a small excerpt from my NaNoWriMo novel with you. Enjoy! (By the way: I’ve tentatively named my main character ‘Allie,’ though I’ll probably change it later.)

For the whole duration of the service, as Pastor Paul droned on, I thought about Pippa and Stacey, and what was wrong with Stacey. Something was definitely up. I knew it wasn’t my business to go poking around, but I couldn’t help but wonder.

“And Jesus said to the crows, ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted…’” Pastor Paul read from the pulpit, and my ears perked up at what he read. “‘Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

Meek. I made a mental note to look the word up after the service. “‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.’” Righteousness. Do I hunger and thirst for righteousness? Do I want to be filled? Several minutes later, the pastor was ending the service in prayer and dad and I stood.

Making our way out the door, dad stopping to chit-chat with people along the way, I thought about what the pastor had been reading; being hungry for righteousness and comforted when you mourn.  The words rang in my ear. Mom hungered for righteousness everyday. She talked about God all the time. Talked to God.

I knew there had to be a God; my mom wasn’t crazy, but she was definitely crazy about God. Even dad, over the years, had begun to love God and read his word. I’d learned about the bible for years now, but it always went in one ear and out the other.

There just had to be something more.

So that was that! I don’t have a set-in-stone synopsis yet, but I’ll tell you more as I get deeper into the story. =) I hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you all think! Are any of you participating in NaNoWriMo? What’s your novel like?

Oh, and if you are, add me on the Young Writer’s Program for NaNoWriMo here. =)



3 thoughts on “excerpt from my nanowrimo novel”

  1. Clue is my favorite board game! I’ve played it so many times that I think I’ve developed a pretty solid strategy and I often win in my house :). I love the excerpt; it sounds like you’re writing a great Christian fiction book. I’m also doing NaNoWriMo. I’m writing about a teenage girl who has recently become orphaned because her parents died on a missionary trip. She can’t understand why God would let her be orphaned after all her parents did for Him, and she can’t imagine another life with new parents, so she tries to shut her new parents out. However, she can’t help but bonding with her charismatic and cheerful new little sister, who helps her cope with the sadness. That’s why when her sister goes missing, she resolves to find her. She can’t stand another loss. Oh, and I also sent a buddy request to you!

    1. It’s my favorite, too! Unfortunately, my dad and little sister are verrrry sneaky detectives, and seldom do my mom and I ever win. ;P My little sister won her very first game!

      Wow, your novel sounds AMAZING. I’d love to read it sometime. It sounds like we’re writing in the same genre. 😀 Ooh, great, heading to accept it now!

  2. I’m so glad that you love your novel-in-progress/story/thing since in the
    past I’ve had a LOT of problems with my NaNo, and it wasn’t fun. (This time is my third try.)

    I’m *think* that Clue is what I would call Cluedo (like so-and-so in the dining room with the candlestick?) and whilst I don’t usually win, it’s always a lot of fun!

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