Category Archives: weekly recaps

weekly recap

Hi, guys! First off, sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I was exhausted and a little bit lazy… and it completely slipped my mind that I didn’t have a post scheduled. Also, I apologize for not answering emails or comments and generally polite things bloggers are supposed to do. But I’m here today! (Even if it’s a little late in the day…) Since I didn’t get any books this week (I know! Can you believe it? I didn’t go to the library once this week! Of course, I got a LOT last week), today’s Saturday post isn’t a Stacking the Shelves. Instead, it’s a weekly recap. So I’ll delve right in.

the books i read

I read four books this week. Last week, I mentioned trying to read seven this week, and I started off on a really good start! … but then life happened (ew, reality), and it just didn’t happen. šŸ™ BUT I did read those four inĀ four straight days.Ā Granted, they were all awesome books, and one was particularly short… but STILL. I’ll take it! I’m thinking I’ll try again sometime, maybe in December (as far off as it seems; I know it will come quickly), during Christmas break. Perks of being home-schooled – I have five or six (FIVE or SIX – can you believe that?!) weeks off then, so I’m thinking that’s when I’ll have the most time on my hands.


As for the books this week…


Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Somerset SistersĀ by Lesley M.M. Blume: That is a REALLY long title! Did anyone else try reading it aloud to see if they had to take a breath…? Lol. I’ll just call itĀ ‘Cornelia’Ā if that’s okay! I gave it FIVE stars. It was SO DARN CUTE, and it had me bawling at the end. (I kid not. It was an… emotional week, anyway, so.) All that aside, I would have cried no matter what kind of week it was. It’s definitely made its way to the books that influence the kind of booksĀ IĀ want to write someday, so it’s high up there. Thankfully, I own it, too! The review will be up on September 7th, but just a heads up that I post all of my reviews on Goodreads weeks before they go up on my blog. šŸ™‚ You can read the review for this one here.

Prom & PrejudiceĀ by Elizabeth Eulberg: Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, this was so sweet. It’s called PROM & PREJUDICE, so… why wouldn’t I pick this up?! If anyone knows me at all, they know I’m a Jane Austen fan, and this Elizabeth Eulberg book did not disappoint. I felt like Miss Eulberg took just enough creative license to add a modern twist to Miss Austen’s book, and I loved it. And of course, the review will have lots of Pride & Prejudice GIF’s. (I mean, hello!)

The Runaway KingĀ by Jennifer A. Nielsen: Good. VERRRRY GOOD. Alright, so a) after reading The False PrinceĀ by Jennifer Nielsen, I knew I had to read the next two books in the trilogy. I was NOT expecting to like it so much. I didn’t read the first and second book back-to-back like I did the second and third book, becauseĀ The False PrinceĀ didn’t really end on a cliffhanger.Ā The Runaway KingĀ did, and… erm…

The Shadow ThroneĀ by Jennifer A. Nielsen: THIS WAS EVEN BETTER than the other two. Except it ripped my heart out. Like three bajillion times.

And then my heart was put back together, and I was FLIPPING. OUT. Don’t expect a sensible review for this trilogy, okay? I love it too much to really think through the flaws. šŸ˜€

the book i put down

I startedĀ The Lonely Hearts ClubĀ by Elizabeth Eulberg. Yeeeeaahh… two chapters in, two fifteen year olds were taking clothes off and I was like…

(Clearly, I love Full House! … and Michelle.)

I really liked Elizabeth Eulberg’s books,Ā Better Off FriendsĀ andĀ Prom & Prejudice,Ā but clearly her books are hit or miss. I definitely didn’t likeĀ The Lonely Hearts Club.Ā 

the book i’m currently reading

I have about 100 pages left inĀ Off the PageĀ by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer. I absolutely fell in love with the mother/daughter authors’ first book, Between the Lines. Then I just knew I had to read the sequel because a fictional prince coming to the real world definitely piqued my interest.

At first, within the first chapter there was a mention of Oliver (the prince) joining an LGBT club at school…? Um. I wasn’t totally okay with that… but I kept reading, and the book is pretty clean (aside from detailed kissing, which I ended up skimming), and I really liked the fact that there were loads more characters than in Between the Lines. I still have 100 pages left in the book, but I’ll be sure to tell you all of my thoughts when I finish.

so what books have you read this week? have you acquired any more to add to your shelves?




P.S. On Monday, I’ll be hosting a giveaway for a paperback copy of The Huntress Of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson! Be sure to drop by then to enter! šŸ™‚