Category Archives: miscellaneous ‘bookish’ things

interview with author heather vogel frederick!

Today, author Heather Vogel Frederick agreed to do an interview on For the Bookish (which absolutely, positively made my year!) Heather is the author of the Mother-Daughter Book Club series (my personal favorite of hers! She is currently working on a seventh in the series!), The Voyage of Patience Godspeed, The Education of Patience Godspeed, Spy Mice, Once Upon a Toad, picture books for little readers, and two books (Absolutely Truly and A Little Women Christmas) coming this fall! She is also one of my absolute favorite authors, so I was very excited when she said yes to the interview. So, without further ado… the interview!

Me: Often times, you’ve said you knew you wanted to do anything that involved books from a very early age – you have fond memories of your father reading books to you and your sister as a child – and were born into a family of storytellers. Was there any particular book, author, or even family member that really inspired or encouraged you to want to be a writer, or take on a career in books?

Heather: Wow, there were SO many books that inspired me when I was growing up.  Joan Aiken’s The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White. Anything by Elizabeth Enright (Gone-Away Lake) and Edward Eager (Half Magic) and Lloyd Alexander (The Book of Three). So many, many more. I lived for a time just a bike ride away from Louisa May Alcott’s home in Concord, Massachusetts, and she was my hero. I used to save my babysitting money for the entrance fee to her house (which is a museum), and when I’d go on the tour, I’d look around and think, “She wrote Little Women right here at this desk!” It made the possibility of being a writer someday feel very real to me. My parents both encouraged me to write, and I’ll always be grateful for their enthusiasm and support.

Me: Charlotte’s Web, Half Magic, and The Island of the Blue Dolphins are favorites of mine, as well. =) Do you ever feel discouraged, or even a little bit stressed, when it comes to being a writer? Currently you have two books (Absolutely Truly and A Little Women Christmas), debuting this fall and have said a 7th Mother/Daughter Book Club book will be out soon. What’s that like?

Heather: Discouraged? Rarely. Stressed? Now and then. Deadlines loom large on a writer’s calendar, and the closer they get, the faster we have to scurry to finish up the project in question. Which in my case right now is the still-untitled 7th Mother-Daughter Book Club story! I’ve been writing for a living for decades though, and am pretty well used to deadlines by now, so while they do keep my feet to the fire, they don’t knock me for a loop. As for the two books I have coming out this fall, that’s not stressful at all, that’s EXCITING!  I can’t wait until my new “babies” make their debut! We writers are always hopeful that the world will love our babies…

Me: It’s exciting for your readers, too!! Being a huge fan myself, I know that you adore your readers and try to answer every letter, email, or comment that comes your way from your fans and even host a segment on your blog called “Saturday Story Starter” to gently encourage young writers from afar and inspire creativity. How would you advise your own readers who are aspiring to be novelists quite like yourself?

Heather: My guess is that most aspiring writers are already doing the number one most important thing you have to do to launch a writing career:  READ. Aspiring writers should be inhaling books the way a desert dweller drinks water. Writers are like honeybees, grazing on books instead of flowers, ingesting words and images and beautiful language instead of nectar and pollen. Later, when we go to write, all that stored up beauty just flows out of us like honey.

Aside from reading, there’s one quality every writer must possess: patience. It can take time to grow as a writer. There will be many false starts, many stories started that end up in the trash or stuffed in a drawer for a later time when we’re better equipped to tell them. Be patient with yourself, and be persistent. Don’t give up.

Me: Wow, great advice! Other than writing, what are some of your hobbies and free-time activities you do in between novelling, blogging, and answering fan mail? =)

Heather:  Oh, I am SO behind right now on answering fan mail it’s not funny.  🙁  That’s the tough part of having a deadline — I really do have to set everything else aside and focus on whatever story I’m writing, often for months at a time. I try and make space in my life for a few other fun things, though — I still read (mostly non-fiction, curiously), I swim laps (my favorite exercise), walk the dogs, cook, hike, occasionally go to the movies, that sort of thing. I don’t have any other hobbies at this point in my life, really. I love to knit, but haven’t had as much time for it in recent years as I did in the past. Oh, the sweaters I used to make!

Me: I wish I knew how to knit! It does sound like you’re pretty busy, though. Finally, just for fun, if you had the opportunity to live anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why?

Heather:  England in a heartbeat!  I absolutely adore everything about England.

Me: That’s where I’d go too, actually. I’ve never been to England – never even been out of the US! I was so  jealous of Emma in Pies & Prejudice when she got to spend a year in England! 🙂

That’s all for today! I hope you enjoyed the interview and go check out some of Heather’s books – I love them all! And thank you again, Heather, for giving me the privilege of sending you the questions!


P.S. I’m going to be spending the next two nights with my cousins as my parents are going to a conference until Saturday, so I may or may not be able to post Saturday’s Stacking the Shelves. I’ll talk to you all lovelies soon, though! Ciao for now!






hello, everyone!

I know. I’ve been a terrible blogger these past couple of… well, week. Has it really been that long? I apologize. First of all, I’ve been in such a book slump lately I haven’t any reviews to post and second of all, well… I’ve been lazy.

The fourth of July was a ton of fun. My family and I were invited to a pool party by some friends of ours (I’ve been friends with their daughter since I was little and she went to school with me last year), and there were some great party snacks and a pool – plus incredible fireworks. I mean, seriously. Not just little ones or sparklers or anything of the sort. Real fireworks. It was pretty awesome.

Also happening this past week was putting new tile in our kitchen and my parent’s master bathroom and shower. It’s really nice, too.

Moving on… I went to the library the last time I posted Stacking the Shelves, and how many books have I read, you may ask? 0. A big fat goose egg. I know, I’m lazy. (Very.) I’m no longer reading The Lucy Variations. (According to my “currently reading” widget, I’ve been ‘reading’ it for about three weeks now.) I didn’t even finish it. I’m going to try to one of these days, when I don’t have any books to read, but I rather disliked it, to say the least. It’s so slow. I’m almost done with Little Men (which is very funny! I absolutely love it!!!) and I also just started Hope was Here, by Joan Bauer. Joan is one of my favorite authors, and I really like the book thus far.

Oh! And my little sister and I are enjoying The Chronicles of Narnia very much. At first, upon begging my sister to let me read to her (since reading aloud to other people is so much more fun), Anna was very reluctant to let me. Now she’s begging me to let her read it to her. Mwahahaha… but yes, we are almost finished with it and love it. I’m not really sure why I didn’t want to read it before…

July NaNoWriMo hasn’t been very productive lately. I haven’t worked on Booky in so long before now… I’ve been using Google Docs to write it because I can always pull it up, whatever computer I’m using, and look at it on my phone (though I really don’t like the Google Docs app. It’s so annoying and takes me forever to scroll down to where I left off.) But I’m hoping to do the Beautiful People linkup soon, so maybe that will get me going. You’ll be meeting Miss Lucy Lovell, the MC of Booky, no doubt. (Don’t hold me to it, though. I’m a very fickle person.)

Until next time! Again, sorry for not posting lately. Perhaps I’ll get going and type up some more posts for the coming week. Thanks for reading!


let’s catch up.

I know, I’ve been away for quite a while. Last week was a blast though. My cousin and I (we’re five months apart, so we’re super close. am the older one. She likes to act like she is, though. Just kidding!) went to youth camp together – our fifth year in a row! It was awesome. Our camp counselors were awesome, our cabin was awesome, the church service every night was awesome… phone service was horrible. Three bars was, like, a miracle. Thus, not being able to post last week.

I didn’t get to read a whole lot either! (Noooo…) I need to go to the library… SOON. I brought the book I bought last weekend, The Lucy Variations, with me and barely made it through three chapters. (I know. How can I dare call myself a bookish person? That’s just sad.) I did read some, every chance I got. This one girl in my cabin goes, “OMG. You’re reading a book?” She was like…

“This isn’t a touch screen. Where are your apps?!”

Then… yesterday afternoon… we went to a local farm my dad built a website for to get some milk and such, and… they had a litter of four kittens!!! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) They’ve been there for a while – in fact, Mrs. Hammond said they were born late at night on Easter! How sweet is that?! And, since my mom can’t say no to the lip from my sister, and the pleading eyes from me and my dad… we got a kitten!!!!!!!!!!


We named her Maisy. Well, my mom named her Maisy. Since she was on the fence and my sister and dad and I fell in love with all four of her and her brothers and sister, she had the final say. So now we have Mittens, our big orange fur ball, and Maisy, our tiny gray fur ball. I am soooo happy. Tomorrow my little sister is off to youth camp so I get the new tiny little fur ball all to myself next week =)

Until tomorrow! I’m going to post a review I’ve had in my drafts for a while now… in the meantime, I’ll be working hard on some fun posts for the upcoming week and making my way through The Lucy Variations. Let me know in the comments how your week has been so far! Ciao! (Or should I say, meow!) Time to feed my kitty. Bye!



no books. no money. i have nothing.

You read that right. I have nothing. I know my side widget (okay, I officially love that word. Widgets), says “Currently Reading…” Paper Towns by John Green, but, um…. confession: I only have the sample on my Kindle. And I haven’t even finished the sample.

Pooh Bear has an excellent question. If we could do that, I WOULDN’T HAVE TO BUY ANY MORE BOOKS. BUT. I just came to  a realization while typing my mini-capitalized-rant. NEVER FEAR! The library is near.

Yep. Arthur and Pooh. I really like children cartoons. Wait… Pooh was a book first. Was Arthur a book first? OMG! I just googled it and I feel horrible…. Arthur was a book first. Because if my books were turned into cartoons, I would be so angry if someone couldn’t remember if my characters were a book series or a TV show first. Now I feel really bad.

Anyway… I tend to rabbit trail here… but seriously, I have no books. I finished Sarah’s Key and The Red Umbrella recently, and have yet to post their reviews. I meant to post reviews for The Elite and The One by Kiera Cass, but I haven’t even written those. Plus I’m going to a summer camp Monday and won’t get home until Friday, and even though I’m bringing a book with me, I really don’t get a lot of reading time.



Maybe I should get some sleep. Yeah, sleep is always good. I’ll just get my mom to drive me to the library… WAIT. I FORGOT TO PUT MY BOOK ON HOLD.

Until next time. After I go to the library,


bookish quiz

Guilty as charged, I’ve abandoned blogging for several days. (I feel so bad!) I had to miss yesterday’s TTT because my day was so busy and exhausting, by the time I thought about it I was too tired to even look at a screen. Monday my mom and I were out all day long, and Sunday my family decided to have no electronic devices or computers or TVs or anything of the sort, and we just enjoyed the day together.

(We really did have fun :))

Sooo, I figured it would be a fun day to have a bookish quiz! It’s all about the type of reader you are, and my results were pretty accurate. Share your results below and go here to take the quiz.

My Results Were…
“The All-Rounder”

Involved ReaderYou don’t just love to read books, you love to read about books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase – discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.
Exacting ReaderYou love books but you rarely have as much time to read as you’d like – so you’re very particular about the books you choose.
Serial ReaderOnce you discover a favorite writer you tend to stick with him/her through thick and thin.
Eclectic ReaderYou read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You’re open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.

What were your results?


random gibberish you probably don’t want to read

So this Monday I decided to do a blog post containing books I’m currently reading, books I really want to be reading (but I’m not), and bookish vents (not the kind that cool you off, haha! Good one, Emily), and other gibberish you probably don’t want to read. But that’s okay. You’re going to anyway. Because I am really manipulative. (HOPEFULLY I can use those skills to get my mom or dad to buy me The One by Kiera Cass…)

Speaking of – OMG! OMG OMG OMG OMG! AHHHHH!!! ASJR’IRHD;EOtGLEPOFGS’;;Djadhrh Okay. I got that out of my system. (Sort of.) The Selection series is just… flawlessness. (Okay, so… not flawless. But pretty darn close.) I read all of the first book, The Selection, in one day, then began the next one, The Elite, yesterday and finished it late last night. And NOW I just finished the first ten chapters of The One at and now am freaking out because I can’t get the third one unless my parents have enough money in the bank account, so I have to wait until a little ding sounds from my mom or dad’s phone and I can go “YAYY!” and beg them to buy it for me. I think the purple little minion below shows my feelings right now towards getting that book… SOON.

Last night I couldn’t go to sleep. I kept tossing and turning. And THEN. I had an idea.

(Ohhh I really like GIF’s. How do you say them? Like, my dad says gif like gift without the T, but I just say G. I. F.) Anywho.

Yeah, so that idea, um… I love it! It was for a story plot I may be working on for July NaNoWriMo and I’m super excited about it!! But don’t worry, I won’t add another GIF.



Okay, okay. Enough GIF’s for one day. Hopefully you’ll still want to see me again tomorrow for TTT? 😉



pre-judging books.

It’s really kind of hard to find great books that you love. I mean, obviously you do, eventually. You read and read and read and read and then suddenly you read one book that just sticks. It’s like, the perfect little gem that makes you feel at home, and you carry it with you everywhere just for the sake of having it close to you. But seriously, it’s kind of hard to find that gem sometimes.


I normally pick my books by several things – well, first of all I read the blurbs. If it’s an outstanding blurb, of course I’ll pick it up. If the blurb is cheesy and not that great, I’ll probably put it back on the shelves. Also, (although I kind of hate to admit it), how thick it is. If it’s a teeny book, I don’t usually read it.

Although, in some cases, I’ve been proved wrong. (Number the Stars & The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, I’m looking at you.) Also, the cover. I mean, come on. If you’re looking for an Amish romance, you’re generally going to look for a picture of a woman in a bonnet in a field somewhere looking very much forlorn – right? … right? You really can’t help but judge a book by its cover.

How do you all choose your books? Do you find yourself judging books? 





top ten tuesday // top ten bookish dreams

Top Ten Tuesday is a book meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s TTT prompt is a freebie, so I decided I’d make this post all about my bookish dreams!

#1: This is incredible! Anyone can do this really; you just need a useless walk-in closet, right? 

#2: It’s a library card phone case. OMG!

#3: I hate periodic tables, but this one looks pretty cool…

#4: Wizard of Oz book marks! Look at it, it’s so cool…

#5: Wonder who will win Bookopoly…? 😀 I would love to play this. Seriously, LOOK!

#6: This skirt. Ohhh my goodness, this skirt!

#7: I want this cup. Like, seriously, you have no idea how much I love this quote. Ask my mom. This quote has bewitched me body and soul. <3

#8: Really, can this shirt get any better?

#9: Maybe it’s just me, but I really like t-shirts.

#10: For some reason, this reminds me of something in The Series of Unfortunate Events. Anyone else? 🙂



tea party blog tag // happy 3rd birthday, notebook sisters!

One of my favorite blogs, Notebook Sisters, is turning three! So first of all – Happyyyy birthday, Cait and Mime! Second of all – it’s a week-long par-tay! Woo-hoo! Oh, and it’s Alice in Wonderland themed. Awesome, right? There’s a giveaway, a visit from the infamous A.G. Howard, party games, discussions, and, of course, what’s a party without food?! Virtual food, of course.

I thought I’d join the fun and start with a tea party blog tag with 10 fun bookish questions from Cait and Mime at the Notebook Sisters and celebrate a 3rd birthday for those two awesomely bookish bloggers and a very unbirthday for the rest of us. (See what I did there? Huh? Huh?) So first read my answers. And then hop on over there for more fun! Okay, first thing’s first…

1. Just Alice: What book cover(s) has made you super curious? 
Hmmmm. I’ve been wanting to read The Minnow by Diana Sweeney, and that cover is just GORG-US. And mysterious…

2. Mad Hatter: List the craziest character(s) you’ve ever read.
Okay, so definitely Jerry Spinelli’s Stargirl. (I still can’t quite understand her, even though she’s also one of my favorite characters.) Annnd Charlie from Rachel Coker’s Interrupted. She just makes me laugh and smile. She’s quite insane.

3. Red Queen, Off With Your Head! What book have you felt like beheading?
Blech. Fangirl. But you know that.

4. White Rabbit: What books or series have been insanely popular but you’ve been “late” to pick them up?
Urm. The Fault in Our Stars. But I’m still not sure if I’ll be reading that anytime soon.

5. Caterpillar: What’s the most confusing book you’ve read?
The Book Thief. It’s my FAVORITE book. EVER. But, honestly, I didn’t understand all the twists and turns until I read it a second time!

6. Dormouse: What was the last book that sent you to sleep?
Probably the last book that put me to sleep was The Truth about Forever by Sarah Dessen. Only because the plot and characters were way cliche.

7. Cheshire Cat: Book that made you laugh and smile?
Ahh… tough one. I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak is sooo heart-warming, but the subtle sarcastic tone in the writing cracks me up.

8. Knave of Hearts: Most recent character who stole your heart?
Ohhhhh Samuel. Just… ohhhh I love him. (Rachel’s Interrupted again.)

9. Jabberwocky: Best villain you’ve read this year?
Hmm. I wouldn’t call her a villian, really, but probably Courtney in Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. (Wren’s roommate.) I kind of had a disliking for her from the beginning, but I liked the inkling of hatred towards this vague character who still managed to ruin something Cath really wanted.

10. Down the Rabbit Hole: What’s the latest book/series/author that’s completely swallowed your interest?
Markus Zusak. OMG he is… one of the best authors of all time. Seriously. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to be the next Dickens.

That’s all for this bloggly tea party. Go wish Notebook Sisters a happy birthday, and tell me some of your answers to the questions above! 😉 Happy memorial day, US bookish… people? Bloggers? Blog readers? Ah, well. Happy memorial day to those of you who live in the US! See ya tomorrow for TTT!


why books?

What attracts us to books? What makes us absolutely adore writing, like bees to honey? Why books, of all things? Honestly. I could love soccer or movies or video games or dancing or gymnastics or even painting. Or anything. But I love to write. And read. Why?

Well, I mean, come on. To most of us in the bookish community, it’s like are you kidding?! WHY books? Um, because they’re awesome. Duh. But, despite our love of books, some people just don’t like to read. (Gasp!)

So why books? Because they make us think. Because they’re relatable. Because they’re not relatable. Because they take us to different worlds. Because for those of us who can’t seem to open up to anyone, we can open up to the people we meet in books. Because the pages smell great. Because they put things we can’t describe into just the right words. Because, despite our weirdness and quirks and shames and sins and faults and sometimes just the boringness (is that even a word? I should be ashamed of my un-bookishness. That’s not a word, either) of life, in books, everything washes away and you’re not you anymore.

Once you know how to read, you officially have access to a whole world of no limits and no boundaries. The whole world is in your hands.

(Yeah, I like Disney Princesses GIF’s. Sue me.)

What are you going to do with it?
