Skylar over at Life of a Random has nominated for a Liebster award! Thank youuu!! (My second one in only two months of blogging. Two months! Can you believe it?! It seems longer than that…) Liebster awards are always so fun, I love doing them and I love reading them. Plus Skylar’s questions are awesome. And I get to nominate nine of you fabulous bloggers myself. SO LET’S PARTY CAUSE WE BLOGGERS ARE FABU. Seriously. Where’s the cake?
But fiiirrssst…. the rules.
Soooo, first, I must list 11 facts about myself. Okaaayy, let’s see…
- I don’t like sea food.
- I was born on 9/11
- My favorite season is Autumn
- I sniff books. All. The. Time.
- I am *slightly* obsessed with Taylor Swift
- My new favorite food is frozen yogurt. (cake batter kind with cookie dough and strawberries)
- I really began blogging at 8 years old, and it was kind of a personal blog (with my last name and location and basically I just blogged talking about myself and what I ate for lunch).
I loooove cats. I have an orange cat named Mittens who likes to sleep like this…. - My favorite cereal is Cheerios. Except my family eats mostly all organic foods and we love going to our Farmer’s Market so I eat
Cascadian Farm Organic Whole Grain Oat and Barley cereal. - My phone case is a teal color with little white turtles all over it. My friends named one of them Timmy (underneath my camera) and one Headless (because he’s on the very edge and has no head.) Sometimes I remember to say hello to them, Timmy and Headless. Good turtles.
- I want to visit Bath, England one day because it’s where Jane Austen grew up.
And noooowww for Skylar’s 11 (awesome) questions!
1. How did you come up with your blog’s name? Funny story (:D) I was coming up with names for my future bookstore (which will, as a fact, be awesome), and I thought about creating a book blog. Inevitably, one of the names for my bookstore was For the Bookish, and I loved the name for a “bookish” blog.
2. Given the choice between having blue hair forever or a dragon tattoo on your arm forever (duh), which would you choose? Dragon tattoo. I really love my hair. It’s a pretty auburnish-brown color with natural blonde and red highlights that really come out in the summer… plus, if you really needed to, you can cover the tattoo up with shirt sleeves or like, a band-aid or something.
3. Do you like reading book blogs or watching booktuber videos better? Book blogs. Booktuber videos, in my opinion, tend to get cut really short and clipped, and they’re never as fun or sarcastic, I think, and you can’t include GIF’s and it’s kind of odd (again, this is just me), to see someone and hear their voice. I mean, I’ve had the opportunity to skype with people I’ve met on the internet, but I really love getting to know someone first (via their blog!) and then seeing them and making up your mind about them.
4. Do you have a bucket list? Yes! I want to visit Bath, England, and have a food fight!
5. I couldn’t live without my computer…or books, obviously. BUT, excluding your computer, books, and cellphone/phone (you know, the essentials), what is one thing you couldn’t live without? Excluding books? … tough one. But I’d have to say my family. (And my cat.) They’re always there for me, and no matter how much they get on my nerves (including my cat. He’s very whiny), I love them. And my parents pay for my computer usage, *some* of my books, and my cellphone and everything else, sooo. Yeah, without them, I wouldn’t have any of the other stuff I can’t live without.
6. What’s your least favorite food? Sea food! Tuna! Fish! Blech. (Except Salmon, by the way. I can deal with Salmon.)
7. Do you make up new endings in your head for books or movies that stunk because they were so sad? YESSSS! Miss Potter and Becoming Jane are two of the worst. Mostly, what makes them the worst, though, it that THEY’RE TRUE. Miss Potter is the true story of Beatrix Potter and Becoming Jane is Jane Austen. (The WORST love stories.)
8. What does your handwriting look like? Picture, please. Well, I said please. Okaaayyy…
9. What do you want to accomplish in five years? (Like major goals, etc.) In five years, I hope to have graduated high school a year early. I want to get college credits and get a degree in Library Science and English Literature. I also want to have been on a missionary trip to another country to spread God’s love!
10. Hardcover or paperback? Hardcover. Is that a trick question?
11. What is your favorite sound? Thunderstorms. And also bacon sizzling…
And NOWWWW…. *drum roll, please!* my nominations…
I nominattteee… Rosa over @ Bookish Findings, Samantha @ Bookish Serendipity, Adele @ Howling Evanescence, Abrielle Lindsay (or TW) @ Indonesia Around Me, Jillian @ Covers and Ink, Sarah @ Inklined, Anastasia Elizabeth @ Every Stinkin’ Page, Chloe @ Free as a Girl with Wings, and Abigail @ Scribbles and Ink Stains.
Phew! That took a while. But look – all nine! I did it! 😀
Now here’s the 11 questions each blogger I nominated must answer…
- Do you have a pet? What’s your favorite animal?
- Have a favorite childhood book?
- Favorite pastime, besides reading or writing?
- Favorite color? Would you die your hair this color for a million bucks?
- Is there a song that could be the soundtrack to your life?
- Could I see a picture of your handwriting?
- What is your favorite social media site? (Links, please?)
- What is your favorite word?
- What’s your favorite food? Do you like ice cream??
- Have you ever read a book you absolutely hate?
- What are a couple of your major life goals?
So that’s that!! I hope you wonderful bloggers I nominated can participate in making a post, I can’t wait to read your answers! Thanks again, Skylar, for nominating me! I had a ton of fun with this. Until next time!