confessions of a teenage book blogger. i don’t think i review books very well. // plus winner of the giveaway!

I review books once a week, usually on Mondays. I’m getting more consistent with my blogging, and I love it. But reviewing books are tough. 

I have a review policies page, and I usually loosely follow that when I type up each of my reviews. Sometimes, if the book was okay (not bad, but not extremely good), I’ll sit down and write a list of pros and cons about the book, but that really doesn’t happen often.


The thing is, I feel like I say THE SAME THING every time I post a review. “I really related to this character…” “There was just enough romance in this one…” “The ending took me by surprise…” Sound familiar? So here’s the truth: I kind of dread writing a review.

I’m not going to stop posting reviews. That’s one of the #1 reasons for For the Bookish. But every time I write one, I feel like I should just copy and past my last review and put in the right characters’ and authors’ names.

What do you think? Do my reviews feel repetitive? Do you notice some of the same lines from other book reviewers? Do you have any ideas?? And book bloggers: how do YOU review a book?




P.S. Sorry this is a bit of a short post! Hopefully I’ll make up for it soon. Look out for my next review on Monday, and tell me if it sounds like other reviews!

P.P.S. Are you ready for the winner of the giveaway?? 😀 I drew at random this morning, and this winner is… H.M. Wilson! I’ll be contacting you soon about the gift card, Hannah! =)

authors appreciating readers

As soon as I finish a book, you can pretty much guarantee I’ll check out the author’s website. Sometimes the website is listed on the about the author section, or the on the back of the book. Most of the time I Google the author’s name to track them down! (I am a professional stalker.)


Even months, or years after I’ve read a book, I still follow the author and check their blogs all the time. (I’ve been following Heather Vogel Frederick’s blog for two and a half years!) Sometimes, I’m guilty of loving the author so much, I love their books ten times more! (Hey, Rachel Coker!)

But what I really love is when authors take the time to talk to their readers. Give advice, answer their questions on their blog or social media – and answering fan mail is major brownie points in my book! (Pun intended!)


I can’t tell you how many authors I’ve written to. Dozens, probably. But only two authors have replied! Alright, so I understand that authors are BUSY people. (Writing a book isn’t a piece of cake and some ice cream with a cherry on top, peoples.) (On the contrary, READING a book is.) But it meant the WORLD to me that Miss Heather Vogel Frederick took the time to write me, and Mr. David A. Adler (author of the amazing Cam Jansen series – my six/seven year old self couldn’t stop talking about them!) emailed little ole’ me back in their busy, busy lives.

She also sent me two signed book marks!!

I get really disappointed when I go out in search of an author, AND THEY’RE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! What is a bookworm to do?! (Does anyone, anyone know where I can send Ann M. Martin a letter, an email even, to tell her how STINKING AWESOME her books are?? Nope.) (But if you do, seriously tell me!) I mean, I think it’s really sweet to even talk to your readers! Let them know what’s HAPPENING. This is especially why I looove (emphasis on LOOOOVE) Kiera Cass:


Authors who say, “Hey, you read my book. You really loved it. I think my book world is awesome, too, so let’s TALK ABOUT IT TOGETHER!” are just amazing. Shouldn’t an author want to talk about their books to people who are as obsessed as maybe even the author themselves?! I know I would! (And hopefully, if I have a book published one day, I’ll be one of these really awesome authors who care enough to say HI, WORLD. LET’S TALK BOOKS.)

It’s little things that get me giddy inside. If an author has a contest, I FLIP OUT. If they have Saturday Story Starters and encourage their readers to write, I’m like “YES. YESYESYES.”

Readers appreciate authors, and authors appreciate readers! *starts singing* It’s the circle of life….

SO, blog readers! Since I appreciate you, I want to hear from ya! Don’t you love authors who appreciate readers?? I know a couple of you gotten letters from Heather Vogel Frederick – isn’t it the best feeling EVER?! Are there any authors who tickle your fancy? Let me in know in the comments!


ida b by katherine hannigan

What a hilarious book! I laughed, cried, and pitied Ida B! I think this is the perfect fun, easy read and I loved it. Two bucks later and a whole lot of laughing, here I am with my review for Ida B by Katherine Hannigan!

I liked Ida’s sweet, perfect family and their farm and her cozy home-schooling life. I even liked it when Ida’s whole world changed and she went to regular school. It was a really light read – almost too light.


I got a little bit bored because a) Ida B was a little bit of a brat basically the whole book and b) I wasn’t even sure what the main plot was. Ida B’s mom got sick? A new family moved in on her family’s property? She has to go to regular school? I was sick of Ida’s whining and just plain hatefulness to the new family and little girl who moves in on her dad’s apple orchard – so that her dad could pay some of her mom’s doctor bills. I was kind of like, “Look, Ida B, I get that you’re ten and all, and your whole precious little world is ruined, but YOUR MOM HAS CANCER AND YOU’RE MAD THAT YOU HAVE TO GO TO REAL SCHOOL AND SAY GOODBYE TO SOME TREES??!”


Yeah. I didn’t like her too much. Buuut then I was laughing because a) she’s a total drama queen, b) her antics to try to get rid of the new family were rather silly and I could see my own little sister doing something like it, and c) I kinda-sorta understood Ida B. What she did and said in the book are what all of our ten-year-old-selves either did or wanted to do. Heck, I kind of wish I did have Ida B’s boldness.

I still think that a lot more could have been done about Ida B’s mother’s sickness. I mean, her mother has Cancer. I thought that should have been more focused on… Ida B is going on and on about the trees that got cut down for the new family to move in, but really? Even if the trees are my best friends, I’d give them up for my mom. Get a grip, Ida B. I wished it were a little bit longer, or the book was focused less on Ida B’s school life and talking to her beloved trees and more turned her friendship with the little girl who lived in the new house. (Or rather, lack there of.)


I guess I just think that the plot could have been better, but I still really enjoyed reading it. It was still worth it! =)

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3 and a half stars!

Have you read Ida B? What do you think about it? If not, do you think you would read it?




P.S. I think it would be awesome if you entered my giveaway for a $15 Barnes & Noble gift card here (if you haven’t already) so you can buy this book of adorable-ness and laugh at Ida B with me. 😉

help me pick out dresses & books

Hey, guys! Today I can officially tell people I’ve been keeping up with my book blog for over a year. So today’s a pretty exciting day, too. (Well, not for the disciples some 2,000 years ago, right??) 😉 But tomorrow is going to be even better! (If you haven’t guessed already, it’s EASTER SUNDAY tomorrow!)

My family and I are going to be visiting a friend’s church and going a few hours away to an annual Easter family gathering on my dad’s side of the family. I haven’t been down there for Easter for a few years, so that’s pretty exciting. Plus it’s my baby cousin’s first Easter! I can’t wait to see her!


Look at that crazy hair! We already have one thing in common. My hair’s pretty crazy too. This is what my friend’s face looked like the other day when she saw my bed head:

Come on, I had to use that gif! Anyway, I’m still debating what to wear for Easter.


I think I have a thing for navy. What do you think? Polka dots? Lacey dress? Plain navy? Ohhh the decisions.

If you noticed in the title, I’m doing a “DNF recap,” which in case you didn’t know, “DNF” stands for Did Not Finish. Because (oops, started a sentence with because. Apologies, second grade teacher!), being the bookworm that I am, I tend to actually NOT read some books sometimes. You know that feeling you get when you know you have money to spend? It just feels SO GOOD to know you’ve got money in your wallet.

Yep. I replace money with books, and wallet with bookshelf. Which means I currently have $0 in my wallet, and a LOT of unfinished books. Here’s the stack:


Uh-huh. I know! I feel awful. I didn’t even realize there were so many. I also have a couple… (alright, alright, 6) books on my Kindle I haven’t read…




Do you recognize any books from the stack or on my Kindle? Aren’t there SO MANY??! I am soooo behind.

Which dress do you like? Which book should I read first? Let me know!



It’s SO hard to believe I’ve been blogging on For the Bookish for ONE WHOLE YEAR! It feels like just yesterday I asked my dad to help me set up my blog URL and find a good design for it. (I still think my blog design is the coolest ever. It pays off to have a web designer for a dad.) =)


When I first started blogging on For the Bookish, I wanted to talk about books I was reading and meet girls with similar book interests. That’s still the main purpose of For the Bookish, but I would have never guessed how much I would have grown to love blogging. In my mom’s words, it’s become sort of like my outlet.

I love talking to everyone who comments on my blog, and following other book blogs like mine. Because of For the Bookish, I’ve found so many great books to read and so many great friends, all over the world! (Including getting my first pen pal through the blog- which is so awesome because I’ve always wanted one and now I have the best pen pal ever!)

So thanks to everyone who takes the time to leave a comment, or read a post. Thanks for telling me about great books to read and giving me a place to ramble and be silly and still take me seriously. 🙂 I’ve had a fantastic year blogging on For the Bookish, and I hope I will for many more years to come!

To thank you all, I’m hosting my FIRST EVER giveaway on For the Bookish!! I’m giving away a $15 Barnes & Noble gift card to the winner. Enter below! =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you guys so, so much! Until Monday!!


for the bookish’s one year blogoversary tag!

Hey, guys! As promised, today is For the Bookish’s one year blogoversary TAG! That means I’m tagging myself, and YOU! Answer the questions I answered below on YOUR blog and don’t forget to add your link way at the bottom of this post. 🙂 And if you don’t have a blog, but follow and comment on For the Bookish, I’ve got some questions for you, too!


When did you start your blog? I started my blog on April 3, 2014. (THAT’S ALMOST A YEAR AGO. HOLY COW.)

What the purpose of your blog? Has it changed since then? I started my blog to talk about the books I was reading and rant about authors and characters and post book reviews! I’m still doing that and having a blast with it.

Did you blog on another blog before then? I’m adding this question ’cause believe it or not, I blogged for a good four years before I started For the Bookish. (‘Betcha didn’t know that, now did you?) When I was eight, my dad helped me get a domain name so I could blog about anything I wanted. I mostly talked about my cat and what I ate for lunch… (who am I kidding, I still talk about my cat and recipes/what I ate recently! Haha!), and then I kind of stopped. For the Bookish is more about books and reviews and authors (and anything bookish!) than it is my personal, what-I-ate-for-lunch boring kind of stuff, even though I do post on Saturdays sometimes about what’s been happening in my life.

Why did you start your blog? I sort of answered this in the last two questions, but I wanted a blog specifically for talking about bookish things! It’s been really fun getting to know everyone who follows my blog in the comments, and since starting For the Bookish I’ve discovered more books and book blogs than I ever would have.

What made you first think writing a blog could be fun? (Did you follow other blogs, did you know someone who wrote a blog, did you want to make money off of it?:) Well, like I said, I blogged on my other blog for four years before I started For the Bookish. (That was great, because I was already really familiar with WordPress and I knew what I was doing, for the most part. And besides, my dad is a web designer!) I only followed 3 or 4 other blogs, and only one of those, I think, was a book blog. I think a girl from a Taylor Swift fan club I joined a couple of years ago had a blog, and she nominated me for a Liebster award. That’s when I realized there was a whole little community of different blogs, and there such things as blog awards and guest posts and memes and tags and all!

How did you come up with your blog name? Is there a meaning (quote, life lesson, etc) behind it? Actually, I came up with ‘For the Bookish’ as a name for a bookstore, not a book blog. I would like to own a book store someday, and so naturally, in a story I was writing, I gave a character my dream book store, but I had no idea what I should call it. I don’t remember the other ideas, but For the Bookish was my favorite. If I own a book store one day, I think I’ll name it For the Bookish, too. Or The Shop Around the Corner. 🙂

How/when do you get ideas for your posts? In the shower, in the car, while reading a book, when I’m supposed to be doing Latin. You get the picture. I don’t really know how to answer this. Ideas just pop into my head when I’m not even thinking about them. Sometimes I’m a little stuck, and I don’t know what I’m going to blog about. That’s where tags, guest posts, and even book reviews come in handy.

When do you type up your posts? Usually on Sunday. Since December or January, I’ve started blogging consistently every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and sometimes on Saturday, for random rambles/goings on in my life. But most Sundays, I’ll type up the next three posts and schedule them to automatically post, so they’re already up on the blog before I even wake up. Sometimes I’m running a little behind, and I know what I’m going to blog about, I just haven’t actually written the post. (That’s why sometimes I post a little late in the day.) Right now, I’m typing this on Saturday, and you won’t read it till Wednesday!

So now it’s YOUR turn! Answer the questions on your blog and tag everyone else to join in. I can’t wait to see your answers!

If you don’t have a blog, I’ve got some questions for you, too (and even if you do, feel free to answer these questions in the comments!)

  1. How long have you been following For the Bookish?
  2. What are your favorite kinds of posts?
  3. What kind of books do you read?
  4. Are there any books I’ve reviewed on FTB you wouldn’t have read otherwise?
  5. Who are your favorite authors?
  6. What would you like to see more of on For the Bookish?

I hope you guys all like this tag! I hope you all join in! I can’t wait to see your answers. Add your link to your post below:

‘); // ]]>
